Peer reviewed publications
Ferlauto, M., L. Schmitt,, & Burghardt, K. (2024). Legacy effects of long‐term autumn leaf litter removal slow decomposition
rates and reduce soil carbon in suburban yards. Plants, People, Planet. doi: 10.1002/ppp3.10499
Butz, E.M., L. Schmitt, J.D. Parker and K. Burghardt. (2023). Positive tree divresity effects on arboreal spider abundance are
tied to canopy cover in a forest experiment. Ecology, 104:e4116. doi: 10.1002/ecy.4116.
Schmitt, L., R. Greenberg, G. Ibarra Nunez, P. Bichier, C.E. Gordon and I. Perfecto. (2021).
Cascading effects of birds and bats in a coffee agroforestry system: parasitoids are the missing link. Frontiers of
Sustainable Food Systems, 5:512998. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.512998.
Schmitt, L., and K. Burghardt. (2021). Urbanization as a disrupter and facilitator of insect
behaviors and life cycles. Current Opinions in Insect Sciences, 45: 97-105. doi: 10.1016/j.cois.2021.02.016
Schmitt, L., and I. Perfecto. (2021). Leaf litter decomposition of Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta at home and away: short-
term home field advantage in shaded coffee agro-ecosystems. Applied Soil Ecology, 161, 103854.
Schmitt, L, B. Aponte-Rolon and I. Perfecto. (2020). Evaluating community effects of Azteca sericeasur on Inga micheliana leaf
litter decomposition in shaded coffee agro-ecosystems. Biotropica,
Schmitt, L., and I. Perfecto. (2020). Who gives a flux? Synchronous flowering of Coffea arabica accelerates leaf litter
decomposition. Ecosphere, 11(7), e03186.
Hajian‐Forooshani, Z., Schmitt, L., Medina, N., and Vandermeer, J. (2019). Trophic‐specific responses to migration in
empirical metacommunities. Oikos, 129(3), 413-419.
Ferlauto, M., L. Schmitt,, & Burghardt, K. (2024). Legacy effects of long‐term autumn leaf litter removal slow decomposition
rates and reduce soil carbon in suburban yards. Plants, People, Planet. doi: 10.1002/ppp3.10499
Butz, E.M., L. Schmitt, J.D. Parker and K. Burghardt. (2023). Positive tree divresity effects on arboreal spider abundance are
tied to canopy cover in a forest experiment. Ecology, 104:e4116. doi: 10.1002/ecy.4116.
Schmitt, L., R. Greenberg, G. Ibarra Nunez, P. Bichier, C.E. Gordon and I. Perfecto. (2021).
Cascading effects of birds and bats in a coffee agroforestry system: parasitoids are the missing link. Frontiers of
Sustainable Food Systems, 5:512998. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.512998.
Schmitt, L., and K. Burghardt. (2021). Urbanization as a disrupter and facilitator of insect
behaviors and life cycles. Current Opinions in Insect Sciences, 45: 97-105. doi: 10.1016/j.cois.2021.02.016
Schmitt, L., and I. Perfecto. (2021). Leaf litter decomposition of Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta at home and away: short-
term home field advantage in shaded coffee agro-ecosystems. Applied Soil Ecology, 161, 103854.
Schmitt, L, B. Aponte-Rolon and I. Perfecto. (2020). Evaluating community effects of Azteca sericeasur on Inga micheliana leaf
litter decomposition in shaded coffee agro-ecosystems. Biotropica,
Schmitt, L., and I. Perfecto. (2020). Who gives a flux? Synchronous flowering of Coffea arabica accelerates leaf litter
decomposition. Ecosphere, 11(7), e03186.
Hajian‐Forooshani, Z., Schmitt, L., Medina, N., and Vandermeer, J. (2019). Trophic‐specific responses to migration in
empirical metacommunities. Oikos, 129(3), 413-419.